ICHI DESIGN INC. performs a wide range of design work mainly in Okinawa for eateries such as restaurants, bars, cafes, and Japanese style restaurants, in addition to health facilities including clinics, hospitals, and welfare facilities, as well as shops and office designs.

The flowchart below shows our general work flow.



Use the contact form on this website to make an inquiry.


We will meet you face to face to ask about detailed information,
including your thoughts, budget and schedule.


Our best proposal will then be made along with a concept sheet, floor plan and image collage.
If you like them, we will enter into a design contract with you.


A basic design and building diagram will be drawn according to the building regulations and other local rules.


Your desired construction company or our affiliated agent will come up with a quotation.
(A bidding system, in which a number of companies take part, is also available.)


If the initial budget cannot cover our plan, we will change the design or reduce the cost while maintaining the original image.

ご予算をオーバーした場合は希望額に近づけるため、当初のイメージは残しながら設計変更 ・ 減額プランを作成します。

With the attendance of our company, construction work will start after you enter into
a construction contract with the agent.


We are always in contact with the construction site in order to confirm the work proceeds as planned and prevent problems from happening.


You, our company and the construction agent will look into the completed building,
its functions and equipment. If something is wrong,
adjustments will be made on it before another inspection.


We will always accept your inquiries about post-construction problems and any minor issues.
